Van nanonaise to nepvlees: nanotechnologie en eten

20160526 poster nano food26 Mei


The Science Café Wageningen session titled “Van Nanonaise tot Nepvlees” on Nanotechnology and Food was a special edition in Dutch. The session was recorded and broadcasted by RTL-Z.

Dr. ir. Frank Kampers (Wageningen University), ir. Henk Leeuwis (LioniX), and prof. dr. Hedwig te Molder (Wageningen University, University of Twente) discuss the opportunities for applying nanotechnology in food, the technological possibilities, and the desirability and consumer acceptance of these novel products. You can access the clips of their talks, and a clip of the subsequent Q&A with the public through the website of RTL-Z:


Photos courtesy of Neli Prota


Exploring and discussing science with professionals, funky music and a drink.